SSW Certification How-To Guide

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Hello PASSWP Members!


We would like to present to you a How-To Become a Certified SSW Document: TIMS how to document Final Draft.docx.  We wish to thank Beth-Ann McConnell and her friends from the Capital Area Intermediate Unit for being the guina pig, jumping through all the hoops, and bugging PDE for answers to questions. 


Attached you will find the How-To document with step by step instructions with pictures!!!  There is also the 338V form that you need. In addition to the 338 V form (not the 338A form) you will need an official transcript sent via email or mailed to PDE. You will upload Professional License and the 338V form after you pay and submit. 


Additionally, BethAnn highlighted stuff that cannot be skipped. It won’t work correctly if you don’t follow the steps.  There is a place have to say “No” to the question about ‘Will a PA Institution verify that you meet certification requirements for the certificate that you are applying for?’.   Answer No, which was  doubled checked this with PDE.  Also, when you apply and pay you will be given a 338 A form and cover letter.  You don’t actually use this form and PDE said we have to use the 338 V form. 


If you have specific questions that are not answered in the How-To document, please contact directly. 


Good Luck!



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